20 July 2022




(Please note that this report has been republished at 13 July 2022 to correct an error at para 3.5.  The original published report included Executive recommendations to Council (i to iv) but at their meeting on 5 July 2022 the decision was made to defer a decision on recommendation iv).





1.1       To provide Council with details of reports received, decisions by the Executive and any subsequent recommendations to County Council since the last meeting of the County Council on 18 May 2022.





2.1       The following sections provide details of decisions made by the Executive and recommendations to the County Council since its last meeting on 18 May 2022.  The meetings were held on the following dates:  23 May 2022, 31 May 2022, 21 June 2022 and 5 July 2022.  A meeting of the Executive is scheduled for 19 July 2022 but this report was published before that meeting took place and so only details of the agenda items are included. 


2.2       23 May 2022 Executive Meeting

The Executive Members met on Tuesday 23 May 2022.  Attending were County Councillor Carl Les in the Chair and County Councillors Annabel Wilkinson, Gareth Dadd, Keane Duncan, Derek Bastiman, David Chance, Michael Harrison, Simon Myers, Janet Sanderson and Greg White.


Other Attendees: County Councillor Richard Foster and District and Borough Councillors Angie Dale, Mark Robson and Steve Siddons.


Substantive agenda items were:


·         Section 24 Direction Consent.

·         Implementation Plan Approval to create the new North Yorkshire Council

·         Appointment to Outside Bodies


The link to the reports and minutes from this meeting is as follows:


(Public Pack)Agenda Document for Executive, 23/05/2022

(Public Pack)Agenda Supplement for Executive, 23/05/2022


2.3       31 May 2022 Executive Meeting

The Executive Members met on Tuesday 31 May 2022.  Attending were County Councillor Carl Les in the Chair and County Councillors Derek Bastiman, David Chance, Keane Duncan, Michael Harrison, Simon Myers, Greg White and Annabel Wilkinson.


In attendance: County Councillor Paul Haslam.


Apologies: County Councillors Gareth Dadd and Janet Sanderson.


Substantive agenda items were:


·                Children and Young People’s Service, Schools Condition Capital Programme 2022/23 (Appendices B and C contain exempt information)

·                Approval of Investment Plan for Adult Learning Numeracy Initiative (Multiply”) (Appendices 1 and 2 contain exempt information)

·                Appointments to Outside Bodies


The link to the reports and minutes from this meeting is as follows:


            (Public Pack)Agenda Document for Executive, 31/05/2022


2.4       21 June 2022 Executive (Performance Monitoring)

The Executive Members met on Tuesday 21 June 2022.  Attending were County Councillor Carl Les in the Chair and County Councillors Gareth Dadd, Derek Bastiman, David Chance, Keane Duncan, Michael Harrison, Greg White and Annabel Wilkinson.


In attendance: County Councillors David Ireton, Karin Sedgwick, David Staveley, Alyson Baker Caroline Dickinson, Paul Haslam, Bryn Griffiths and Tom Jones.


Apologies:  County Councillors Simon Myers and Janet Sanderson.


Substantive agenda items were:


·                Q4 Performance Monitoring and Budget Report

·                Closure proposal for Weaverthorpe CE VC Primary School

·                Review of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Provision:  Proposals to change provision at Brompton Hall School

·                Proposal for a new Overview and Scrutiny Committee

·                Proposed Decision making for Transitional Arrangements

·                Levelling Up Fund Bid - Submission and Acceptance


The link to the reports and minutes from this meeting is as follows:


(Public Pack)Agenda Document for Executive, 21/06/2022


2.5       5 July 2022 Executive Meeting

The Executive Members met on Tuesday 5 July 2022.  Attending were County Councillor Carl Les in the Chair and County Councillors Gareth Dadd, Derek Bastiman, David Chance, Keane Duncan, Michael Harrison, Simon Myers, Janet Sanderson, Greg White and Annabel Wilkinson.


In attendance: County Councillors Karin Sedgwick and Yvonne Peacock.


In attendance (virtually via MS Teams): County Councillors Michael Harrison and Paul Haslam, Cllr Di Keal (Ryedale District Council) and Paul Shevlin (Chief Executive, Craven District Council).


            Substantive agenda items were:


·                     Re-procurement or in-sourcing of Shared Lives Scheme

·                     Children in Care and Care Leavers Strategy

·                     Highways Levelling Up Fund Bid - Submission and Acceptance

·                     Carbon Reduction and Climate Change Update

·                     Council Tax Discounts and Premiums Policy

·                     Non Domestic Discretionary Rate Reliefs and Hardship Policies

·                     Area Constituency Committee Feedback Report


The link to the reports and minutes from this meeting is as follows:


(Public Pack)Agenda Document for Executive, 05/07/2022

            (Public Pack)Supplementary Agenda for Executive, 05/07/2022


2.6       19 July 2022 Executive Meeting


            At the time of writing this report, the substantive agenda items were:


·                     North Yorkshire Investment Plan for the UK Shared Prosperity Fund

·                     Woodfield Community Primary School, Harrogate

·                     Council Tax Reduction Scheme

·                     Decision on whether to proceed with a Community Governance Review

·                     A59 Kex Gill Diversion Contract Award

·                     Response to Schools White Paper.


The link to the reports and minutes from this meeting is as follows:


Agenda for Executive on Tuesday, 19th July, 2022, 11.00 am | North Yorkshire County Council




3.1       The Executive considered the reports and resolved to recommend the following to the meeting of County Council for consideration:


3.2       Quarter 4 Performance Monitoring Report


            This item was considered at the meeting of Executive on 21 June 2022, where the Executive recommended to County Council on 20 July 2022 that the proposed carry forward to 2022/23 of the net capital underspend totalling £2.5m, as set out in paragraph 4.14 of the report, be noted.


            Link to report - Qtr4 Performance Monitoring Rport.pdf





That the proposed carry forward to 2022/23 of the net capital underspend totalling £2.5m as set out in paragraph 4.14 of the report be noted.




3.3       Proposed Changes to Overview and Scrutiny Arrangements during the period July 2022 to March 2023 and other (minor) changes to the Constitution


            This item was considered at the meeting of Executive on 21 June 2022.  The Executive recommended to County Council on 20 July 2022 that a new Overview and Scrutiny Committee be constituted for the period July 2022 to March 2023, whose role and remit is to be scrutiny of significant decisions made by the Executive regarding the creation of the new unitary authority.


The Executive also recommended to the proposed amendments to the Constitution regarding the Looked After Children’s Members’ Group and the Contract Period Rules.


            Link to report - Proposed Changes to Overview and Scrutiny Arrangements and other (minor) changes to the Constitution







(a)        A new overview and scrutiny committee be constituted for the period July 2022 to March 2023, whose role and remit is to be scrutiny of significant decisions made by the Executive regarding the creation of the new unitary authority.


(b)        The proposed amendments to the Constitution regarding the Looked After Children’s Members’ Group and the Contract Procedure Rules be adopted.



3.4       Children in Care and Care Leavers Strategy


            This item was considered at the meeting of Executive on 5 July 2022, where Members recommended for approval by County Council on 20 July 2022 that the refreshed Children in Care and Care Leavers Strategy ‘We care because you matter’ be formally approved.


This item is included in the Statement to County Council by County Councillor Janet Sanderson, Executive Member for Children and Young People’s Services.


3.5       Council Tax Discounts and Premiums Policy


            This item was considered at the meeting of Executive on 5 July 2022, where Members recommended for approval by County Council on 20 July 2022 the following:


(i)         Policies for the North Yorkshire Council’s Council Tax discounts from 1 April 2023, as detailed in the report;


(ii)        Policies for the North Yorkshire Council’s Council Tax premiums from 1 April 2023, as detailed in the report;


(iii)       that the additional revenue generated from the changes to premiums and discounts in 2023/24 be ring-fenced to support the Council Tax Reduction scheme;


            Link to report - Council Tax Discounts and Premiums







(i)        Policies for the North Yorkshire Council’s Council Tax discounts from 1 April 2023, as detailed in the report;


(ii)        Policies for the North Yorkshire Council’s Council Tax premiums from 1 April 2023, as detailed in the report;


(iii)       that the additional revenue generated from the changes to premiums and discounts in 2023/24 be ring-fenced to support the Council Tax Reduction scheme;


(iv)       that the following additional Council Tax premiums be applied from 1 April 2024, subject to the required legislation being in place:


·          100% premium for properties which have been empty and unfurnished for more than 12 months;

·          100% premium for second homes


are approved.



3.6       Non Domestic Rating Discretionary Rate Reliefs and Hardship Policies


            This item was considered at the meeting of Executive on 5 July 2022, where Members recommended for approval by County Council on 20 July 2022 the following:


(i)         Discretionary relief which is defined by legislation and borne by the Council and Government under the Business Rates Retention provision:


·          that all businesses and organisations who apply for discretionary relief with effect from 1 April 2023 be assessed for eligibility in accordance with the legislation, and that relief be awarded in line with the key criteria and points based scheme detailed in paragraphs 3.4 to 3.11 of the report;


·          that the approval of the scoring mechanism to be used within the assessment of the reliefs be delegated to the Council’s designated S151 Officer, having full regard to individual cases and the corporate aims and objectives of the Council;


·          that the authority to grant the relief be delegated to designated Revenues Managers under a scheme of delegation.


(ii)        Localism relief that:


·          that the Council adopts the policy attached at Appendix B of the report and awards Localism reliefs in accordance with that policy;


·          that the authority to grant relief under the localism provisions be delegated to the Council’s S151 Officer.


(iii)       Discretionary reliefs wholly defined by the Government and reimbursed by the Government under a S31 Grant:


·          that the Council adopts all S31 Government funded discretionary reliefs in accordance with any guidance issued.


·          that the Council’s S151 Officer be delegated the authority to amend any such approach to ensure that any relief granted is in line with the intentions of the Government and is compatible with the Council’s objectives.


(iv)       Hardship relief:


·          that the Council adopts the Hardship Relief policy attached at Appendix C of the report and considers reducing or remitting any non-domestic rate in accordance with that policy;


·          that the authority to grant relief under the hardship provisions be delegated to the Council’s S151 Officer.


            Link to report - Non Domestic Rating Discretionary Rate Reliefs and Hardship Policies







(i)         Discretionary relief which is defined by legislation and borne by the Council and Government under the Business Rates Retention provision:


·          that all businesses and organisations who apply for discretionary relief with effect from 1 April 2023 be assessed for eligibility in accordance with the legislation, and that relief be awarded in line with the key criteria and points based scheme detailed in paragraphs 3.4 to 3.11 of the report;


·          that the approval of the scoring mechanism to be used within the assessment of the reliefs be delegated to the Council’s designated S151 Officer in consultation with the Executive Member for Finance, having full regard to individual cases and the corporate aims and objectives of the Council;


·          that the authority to grant the relief be delegated to designated Revenues Managers under a scheme of delegation.


(ii)        Localism relief that:


·          that the Council adopts the policy attached at Appendix B of the report and awards Localism reliefs in accordance with that policy;


·          that the authority to grant relief under the localism provisions be delegated to the Council’s S151 Officer.


(iii)       Discretionary reliefs wholly defined by the Government and reimbursed by the Government under a S31 Grant:


·          that the Council adopts all S31 Government funded discretionary reliefs in accordance with any guidance issued.


·          that the Council’s S151 Officer be delegated the authority to amend any such approach to ensure that any relief granted is in line with the intentions of the Government and is compatible with the Council’s objectives.


(iv)       Hardship relief:


·          that the Council adopts the Hardship Relief policy attached at Appendix C of the report and considers reducing or remitting any non-domestic rate in accordance with that policy;


·          that the authority to grant relief under the hardship provisions be delegated to the Council’s S151 Officer;


are approved.




3.7       Appointments to Committees and Outside Bodies


            This report is covered at Item 8 on the agenda for County Council on 20 July 2022.




County Councillor Carl Les



North Yorkshire County Council

County Hall



12 July 2022